Retrofitting Latinx Into the Wisconsin Historical Narrative
Get involved
Faculty/Academic Teaching and Staff Participation Options:
Offer a CBR course focusing on documenting Latinx history
Conduct interviews and collect archives independently
Submit recorded interviews from related independent research
Offer an independent study opportunity
Assist in recruiting or identifying new researchers
Offer community training for oral history interviews and archive collecting
Assist in administrative work
Assist in grant writing and fundraising activities
Student Participation Options:
Enroll in a CBR course
Enroll in independent study course
Volunteer to conduct interviews and/or collect archives
Volunteer to be an administrative assistant
Conduct regional background research
Assist in processing interviews for submission to WHS​
Community Researcher Participation Options:
Conduct oral history interviews on agreed upon topic
Seek and obtain archival materials on agreed upon topic
Assist in recruiting new community researchers
Assist in administrative duties​
We rely on community support and participation. If you would like to make a financial contribution to the WLHC or get involved with research please contact us at