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Retrofitting Latinx Into the Wisconsin Historical Narrative

WLHC Core Members

Andrea-Teresa “Tess” Arenas
Professor Emeritus of Chican@ and Latin@ Studies at UW-Madison,
Founder of WLHC

Elena Casey
Assistant Professor of Languages and Latin American and Latinx Studies at UW-Eau Claire

Dawn Crim
Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Community Engagement & Inclusivity, Foundation President at UW-Green Bay

Linda García Merchant
Public Humanities Data Librarian at the University of Houston

Sergio González
Assistant professor of History and Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Marquette University

Armando Ibarra
Professor, School for Workers and Chican@ & Latin@ Studies at UW-Madison

Cheryl Jiménez Frei
Assistant Professor of History, co-director of the Public History Program, affiliated faculty in the Latin American and Latinx Studies Program at UW-Eau Claire

Almita A. Miranda
Assistant Professor of Geography and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies at UW-Madison

Marla Ramírez
Assistant Professor of History and Chican@ & Latin@ Studies at

José Villagrán
Assistant Professor of Latinx Studies at California State University, Bakersfield
WLHC Project Partners

Current Research Assistants
Verenize Arceo (Graduate, Project Manager)
Julian Arenas
Diana Bonilla
Bryanna Guadalupe Ugalde
Karla Martinez
Ximena Sanchez
Ana Shriver
Mariela Sida
Samantha Silva
Markia Silverman-Rodríguez (Graduate)
Former Research Assistants
Christine Becerra
Leah Bulbula
Yesenia Cervera (PhD, Project Manager)
Dustin Cohan (Graduate)
Joshua Doyle-Raso (Graduate)
Sara Isabel Donoso
Liliana Loera-Rivera
Melina Mueller
Vanessa Peña (Graduate, Project Manager)
Cynthia Villatoro (Graduate)
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